Monday, September 12, 2011

FREE Facebook T-shirt Scam - How to get rid of it

In last couple of weeks FREE Facebook T-shirt Scam has been seen circulating across posts & updates on FB:

This has been quite annoying and seems to be quite infectious. Below are simple steps to get rid from the same.

How to remove FREE Facebook T-shirt updates from my Facebook account ?


1. Login to your Facebook Account. 
Go to

2. Search “Upload via Email”, underneath you get one email address. so these fake sites will send post on this email which will directly shows on your wall.
Refer Image-1 below 
3. Click on “Find out  more”
Refer Image-1 below 
4. Under Tips, you’ll get “refresh your upload email.” click on “refresh your upload email”, FB will ask to reset your fb secreat email address. Just reset.
Refer Image-2 below 
5. That's all! :).




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